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D.R. Kaidarova 1,2, A.Zh. Abdrakhmanova 1,2, M.S. Dmitrenko 1, A.B. Baizhigitov 1, N.A. Chichua 1, K.К. Smagulova 1,2, R.Z. Abdrakhmanov 1,2, S.N. Kaldarbekov 2

1. JSC «Kazakh Institute of Oncology and Radiology,» Almaty, the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2. NAO «Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University,» Almaty, the Republic of Kazakhstan

DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.52532/2663-4864-2022-4-66-53-58

UDC: 618.19-006.6-055.1

Year: 2022 issure: 66 number: 4 pages: 53-58

Download PDF: 2012.2-3.24-25_10.pdf


Relevance: Male breast cancer (BC) has always been behind female BC in detection, treatment, and surveillance. Lower BC frequency in men limits the usefulness of screening. However, BC incidence in men is growing.
This paper demonstrate the results of surgical treatment and typical changes in clinical and morphological manifestations of male breast cancer under chemotherapy and surgery.
Methods: The article describes a clinical case of a male patient diagnosed with “Cancer of the right breast St III (T4NxM0), edematous-infiltrative form with an intraductal component, upper outer localization. Immunohistochemically luminal subtype B without Her2neu expression”; the condition – after six neoadjuvant chemotherapy courses.
Results: Ultrasonography of the mammary glands conducted after six preoperative courses of chemotherapy showed a hypoechoic formation, centralized, with fuzzy, uneven contours, 52.5×48.2×46.1 mm in size, V=60.98 cm3. Compared to March 2022 (the presence of a formation in the right breast craniolateral quadrant, with precise uneven contours, 9.0 cm in size, with infiltrating growth), the tumor formation decreased to US BI-RADS R6, L2. The multidisciplinary council prescribed surgery to the extent of radical mastectomy by Madden on the right and simple mastectomy on the left. The surgery was performed in August 2022. According to a postoperative histological conclusion, the therapeutic pathomorphism was index RCB-2.233, class RCB-II.
Conclusion: This article shares the results of systemic and surgical treatment of a man with breast cancer. Considering the clinical picture and anamnesis, literature data, and the clinical protocol, the multidisciplinary group recommended radiation therapy with adjuvant endocrine therapy with tamoxifen for an initial period of five years.
Keywords: clinical case, male breast cancer (BC), luminal subtype B without Her2neu expression, mastectomy, therapeutic pathomorphism, radiation therapy, endocrine therapy.

* clinical case, male breast cancer (BC), luminal subtype B without Her2neu expression, mastectomy, therapeutic pathomorphism, radiation therapy, endocrine therapy.

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