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2019, 54, № 4 (английская версия) — Oncology

2019, 54, № 4 (английская версия)

2019 год, выпуск 54, номер 4
3 — 6 D.R. Kaidarova, O.V. Shatkovskaya, A.Z. Abdrakhmanova, N.A. Omarbayeva, А.B. Baizhigitov, S.S. Sultanseitov, A.B. Askandirova. Breast cancer epidemiology in Kazakhstan (2014-2018)
7 — 9 A.S. Korabelnikov, R.S. Nizamova. Age- and gender-adjusted survival of patients with bladder cancer in the Samara region
10 — 11 D.R. Kaidarova, Z.D. Dushimova, M.G. Orazgalieva, O.V. Shatkovskaya, E.B. Satbaeva. Algorithm of molecular genetic testing for lung cancer in the Republic of Kazakhstan
12 — 19 N.Т. Baltabekov, М. Chesare, G.К. Alipov, S.А. Potanin, Ye.I. Ishkinin. New approaches to diagnostics and medical rehabilitation of malignant neoplasms at the Primary Health Care (PHC) level: International project report
20 — 21 A.T. Almabek, D.R. Kaidarova, V.B Kim. The peculiarities of radiation therapy in patients with brain metastases
22 — 24 A.V. Podobed, A.V. Bambiza, O.G. Savchenko. Videothoracoscopic thymectomy
for diagnostic and treatment of thymic tumors
25 — 28 R.I. Bayankulov. The specifics of providing psychological support
to cancer patients as part of palliative care (literature review)
29 — 32 R.I. Bayankulov. Diagnostics and psychological help in anxiodepressive disorder in patients with oncological diseases (literature review)
33 — 35 Zh.Zh. Zholdybay, Zh.K. Zhakenova, Y.V. Filippenko, Zh.B. Amankulova,
N. Burkhan, M.M. Argynbaeva, S.S. Baigulova, Y.T. Dauytova, А.Т. Kanatova. Combined positron emission tomography and computed tomography to visualize lung cancer: false positive and false negative results (literature review)
36 — 39 S.O. Ossikbayeva, T.G. Goncharova, M.G. Orazgaliyeva. Antitumor effect
of curcumin and carnosic acid (literature review)

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