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Epidemiological aspects of colorectal cancer in the world and the Republic of Uzbekistan: A literature review — Oncology

Epidemiological aspects of colorectal cancer in the world and the Republic of Uzbekistan: A literature review

M.N. Tillyashaykhov1, O.A. Rakhimov1, A.A. Adilkhodjayev1, S.M. Djanklich1

1. Republican Specialized Scientifi c and Practical Medical Center of Oncology and Radiology of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan (RSNPMCOR), Tashkent, the Republic of Uzbekistan

DOI: 10.52532/2663-4864-2021-3-61-40-44

УДК: 616.33-089-87

Год: 2021 выпуск: 61 номер: 3 страницы: 40-44

Скачать PDF: 2012.2-3.24-25_10.pdf


Relevance: GLOBOCAN 2019 reports that colorectal cancer (CRC) ranks third among mortality causes and fourth among
the newly diagnosed cases in the world. CRC incidence is growing worldwide and in the Republic of Uzbekistan. Thus, in the Republic of Uzbekistan, CRC ranks 5th in the general cancer structure and 2nd in men.
The purpose of the study was to make an epidemiological assessment of global trends in colorectal cancer and CRC incidence in the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2018-2019.
Results: Global CRC incidence and mortality trends show differences depending on territories and level of economic development. Gender differences were also revealed: CRC is more often in men, with the ratio of men to women 1.25: 0.8.
Conclusions: The study of the oncoepidemiological situation on CRC in the Republic of Uzbekistan showed an upward
trend that determines the need for further studies of territorial differences and the search for CRC occurrence factors

Ключевые слова: colorectal cancer (CRC), oncoepidemiology, Republic of Uzbekistan, incidence, mortality.

Ссылка: M.N. Tillyashaykhov, O.A. Rakhimov, A.A. Adilkhodjayev, S.M. Djanklich. Epidemiological aspects of colorectal cancer in the world and the Republic of Uzbekistan: A literature review. Oncology and Radiology of Kazakhstan, 2021, 61 (3), 40-44.

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