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2020, 58, № 4 (ағылшын нұсқасы) — Oncology

2020, 58, № 4 (ағылшын нұсқасы)

2020 год, выпуск 58, номер 4
4 — 11 D.R. Kaidarova, O.V. Shatkovskaya, Z.D. Dushimova.
Results of the «Comprehensive Cancer Control Plan in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2018-2022» realization in 2019
12 — 17 K.T. Umurzakov, D.R. Kaidarova, B.A. Apsalikov, G.M. Shalgumbayeva, A. Ibrayev, S.O. Sagidullin.
Kidney cancer epidemiology in Kazakhstan, 2010-2019
18 — 23 I.R. Khusainova, A.O. Nadirbekova, N.P. Baibatyr.
The peculiarities of emotional and mental resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan cancer service medical workers
24 — 28 Baiturova S.M., Omarova K.O., Boranbaeva R.Z., Abdilova G.K., Pankova O.S., Bekisheva A.N.,
Makhneva A.F., Batyrkhanova G.Z., Kustova T.A.
Acute myeloid leukemia mmicking an Ewing’s sarcoma family tumor: A clinical case
29 — 35 T.G. Goncharova, D.R. Kaidarova, N.A. Omarbayeva, A.B. Askandirova, M.G. Orazgaliyeva, D.G. Adilbay, D. Cheishvili, F. Vaisheva, M. Szyf.
Epigenetic markers-based breast cancer early detection method development
36 — 40 U.I. Ibragimov, S.Sh. Sargelov, M.A. Ensepbaev, A.Sh. Taynekova.
Radiation diagnostics of peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumors (PNET) in children at the Scientific Center of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery (Almaty, Kazakhstan)
41 — 43 Y.I. Ishkinin, K.D. Datbayev, R.B. Raimbekov, R.Z. Ibrayev, R.U. Akhunova,
K.B. Raimzhanov, A.A.Goncharova, Zh.G. Turlybek, G.M. Kaldarbekova.
Use of an artificial intelligence program in radiation therapy
44 — 46 S.О. Ossikbayeva, B.G. Yeszhan.
Study of the effect of natural polyphenols on the prostate cancer Du145 cells’ cycle
47 — 52 N. Trizna, Zh. Kaliadich, E. Zhaleika.
Speech recovery in patients after surgical treatment for oral and oropharyngeal cancer
53 — 55 A.A. Arynov, V.V. Chursin.
Blood transfusion therapy in cancer patients: Modern aspects
56 — 59 Z.B. Gassanov, D.R Kaidarova, A.Zh. Zhylkaidarova, B.T. Ongarbayev.
Prostate Cancer Genetics and Biology: Literature Review
60 — 65 G.G. Sagidullina, А.Т. Mukazhanov, А.А. Kukhareva, М.М. Meirmanova.
The use of focused ultrasound in oncology: Fundamentals and perspectives (literature review)
66 — 71 D.M. Seilkhanova, G.M. Shalgumbayeva, A.Z. Baibussinova, M.M. Sagadiyeva,
S.M. Adilgozhina, N. Slamkhanova.
Quality of life of colorectal cancer patients: a literature review
72 — 77 А.А. Khozhayev, D.R. Kaidarova, А.К. Dzhakipbaeva, K.K. Smagulova, N.A. Amanbekov,
А.Т. Kemelzhanov, A.V. Rubanova, Zh.S. Mombekova.
Medical rehabilitation of cancer patients: a literature review
86 — 91 T.G. Goncharova.
The history of the development of scientific activity in the Kazakh Institute of Oncology and Radiology: To the 60th anniversary of the Institute
92 — 95 A.Zh. Abdrakhmanova, A.S. Shinbolatova.
Good fame on earth – in Memory of Zhanalyk Niyazovich Abdrakhmanov
96 — 98 G.B. Adilbayev, M.E. Kaibarov, N.V. Sloneva.
The history of the development of the Center for Head and Neck Tumors of the Kazakh Institute of Oncology and Radiology
99 — 101 J.B. Eleubaeva.
The historical foundations and current status of diagnostic cytology at the Kazakh Institute of Oncology and Radiology (to the 60th anniversary of the Institute)
102 — 104 U.K. Zhumashev, N.T. Baltabekov, S.R. Nurmanov, K.O. Sabirov,
M.L. Aitakhunov, N.A. Amanbekov, G.A. Afonin.
Conribution of KazIOR Department of Oncology to the development of cancer service in Kazakhstan
105 — 106 D.R. Kaidarova, S.A. Yessenkulova, U.K. Zhumashev, T.T. Sadykovа, A.K. Djakypbaeva,
G.S. Igissinovа, N.A. Amanbekov.
On the history of the development of mastology service in Kazakhstan
107 — 114 D. Kaidarova, N. Chichua, K. Smagulova, S. Yessentayeva, A. Turesheva, R. Abdrakhmanov.
Stages of formation and main achievements of the Chemotherapy Department
of Kazakh Institute of Oncology and Radiology
115 — 117 R.K. Karakulov, D.R. Kaidarova, S.T. Gabbasova, B.B. Oryn.
The history of oncohematology development at the Kazakh Institute of Oncology and Radiology
118 — 122 E.B. Satbaeva, E.G. Sokolenko, N.M. Alexandrova, S.A. Lyubko.
History of the Center of Morphological Research of the Kazakh Research Institute of Oncology and Radiology and its contribution to the development of oncological service of the Republic of Kazakhstan
123 — 126 I.R. Khussainova.
Features of formation and organization of psycho-social assistance in the cancer service in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

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