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Analysis of cancer incidence structure in the Republic of Uzbekistan — Oncology

Analysis of cancer incidence structure in the Republic of Uzbekistan

M.N. Tillyashaykhov1, S.M. Djanklich1, S.N. Ibragimov1, O.A. Imamov1

1. Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center of Oncology and Radiology of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan (RSNPMCOR), Tashkent, Uzbekistan

DOI: 10.52532/2521-6414-2021-3-61-4-8

УДК: 616-006:036.22

Год: 2021 выпуск: 61 номер: 3 страницы: 4-8

Скачать PDF: 2012.2-3.24-25_10.pdf

Ключевые слова: Malignant neoplasms, cancer incidence, cancer incidence structure, Republic of Uzbekistan

Ссылка: M.N. Tillyashaykhov, S.M. Djanklich, S.N. Ibragimov, O.A. Imamov.
Analysis of cancer incidence structure in the Republic of Uzbekistan. Онкология и радиология Казахстана, 2021, 61 (3), 4-8.

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