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The use of focused ultrasound in oncology: Fundamentals and perspectives (literature review) — Oncology

The use of focused ultrasound in oncology: Fundamentals and perspectives (literature review)

G.G. Sagidullina1, А.Т. Mukazhanov1, А.А. Kukhareva1, М.М. Meirmanova1

1. MSE on REM «East-Kazakhstan Region Multidisciplinary Center of Oncology and Surgery», Ust-Kamenogorsk, the Republic of Kazakhstan

DOI: 10.52532/2663-4864-2020-4-58-60-65

УДК: 616.006.04-033.2+618.14-006.36:615.837.3

Год: 2020 выпуск: 58 номер: 4 страницы: 60-65

Скачать PDF: 2012.2-3.24-25_10.pdf

Ключевые слова: focused ultrasound, MRI, ablation, cancer, metastases, uterine myoma.

Ссылка: G.G. Sagidullina, А.Т. Mukazhanov, А.А. Kukhareva, М.М. Meirmanova. The use of focused ultrasound in oncology: Fundamentals and perspectives (literature review). Oncology and Radiology of Kazakhstan, 2020, 58 (4), 60-65.

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