K.S. Pavlyuk 1, M.G. Leonov 2,3, A.V. Akobyan 1, T.V. Sinitskaya 1, O.V. Gospirovich 1, E.A. ARTEMOVA 1, Zh.B. Yeleubayeva 4,

1. GBUZ “Scientific Research Institute – Regional Clinical Hospital No. 1 after S.V. Ochapovsky,” Krasnodar, the Russian Federation;
2. GBUZ “Oncological dispensary No. 3,” Novorossiysk, the Russian Federation;
3. Kuban State Medical University, Krasnodar, the Russian Federation;
4. Kazakh Institute of Oncology and Radiology” JSC, Almaty, the Republic of Kazakhstan


UDC: 616-008.854.6-091.82

Year: 2022 issure: 66 number: 4 pages: 33-37

Download PDF: 2012.2-3.24-25_10.pdf


Relevance: Cytological criteria of tumors in exudate fluids are associated with certain subjective difficulties, one of which is the differential diagnosis of proliferating mesothelial and adenocarci-noma cells.
The study aimed to: increase the informational value of cytological diagnostics in a multidisciplinary hospital.
Methods: From 2018 to 2021, 10,082 serous cavity effusions (pleural – 8,166 (81%), abdominal cavity – 1,512 (15%), pericardial – 404 (4%)) were included in the cytological examination. Micro-scopic examination of traditional preparations was carried out, and immunocytochemical (ICC) ex-amination was carried out in difficult diagnostic situations.
Results: Analysis of the study showed that by the traditional cytological method in effusion fluids in women, metastatic lesions of the serous cavities were diagnosed in 672 cases (58%), mainly due to the progression of breast cancer (26%). In men, pleurisy was mainly due to metastasis of adenocar-cinoma of the lung – 266 cases (23%). ICC research increased the diagnostic accuracy of cytological examination by 62-93% and the specificity – by 95-99%.
Conclusion: An algorithm for conducting ICH studies, differing in the number of panels of mono-clonal antibodies used to determine the histological form and organ – the source of the tumor, has been developed. In specific cases, conducting ICR studies with 2-3 monoclonal antibodies may be quite enough to confirm the histological form of the tumor and, where necessary, perform additional ICR studies without significant loss of time for obtaining results.
Keywords: immunocytochemistry (ICC), monoclonal antibodies, malignant tumors, pleural fluid, ascitic fluid, conventional cytology, liquid-based cytology.

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