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Results of chemoembolization in hepatocellular cancer and metastatic liver damage — Oncology

Results of chemoembolization in hepatocellular cancer and metastatic liver damage


1.Multidisciplinary hospital №3, Karaganda, the Republic of Kazakhstan
2.Karaganda medical university, Karaganda, the Republic of Kazakhstan

DOI: 10.52532/2663-4864-2021-1-59-36-38

УДК: 616.36-006-033.2+615.849

Год: 2021 выпуск: 59 номер: 1 страницы: 36-38

Скачать PDF: 2012.2-3.24-25_10.pdf


Relevance: Treatment of patients with hepatocellular cancer remains a complex problem in modern oncology.
The purpose was to evaluate the effectiveness of chemoembolization in hepatocellular cancer and metastatic liver disease.
Results: During and after the procedure, the risk of complications was minimal: in 2 cases (0.25%), liver necrosis and death from cardiovascular insufficiency were recorded after five therapy courses. Eleven patients (23.9%) with a continued tumor growth showed a negative response and were administered symptomatic treatment.
Conclusion: In primary hepatocellular cancer and metastatic liver lesions, chemoembolization is one of the priorities in interventional radiology and a stage of complex treatment. This method is low-traumatic due to a minimal toxic effect of the chemotherapy drug. This method is indicated for inoperable liver tumors because a high concentration of an anticancer drug is delivered right to the focus and ensures a prolonged tumor exposure, with minimal risk of complications during and after the procedure. In our observations, complications in the form of necrosis and death occurred in 2 (0.25%) cases.

Ключевые слова: chemoembolization, hepatocellular cancer (HCC), liver metastases.

Ссылка: K.T. Shakeyev, N.А. Kabildina, V.V. Lytkin, A.M. Zhumakaev, E.V.Kruk, B.U. Usembekov, A.M.Murat. Results of chemoembolization in hepatocellular cancer and metastatic liver damage. Oncology and Radiology of Kazakhstan, 2021, 59 (1), 36-38.

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