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A. Tulegenova1, D. Mussakhanov2, K. Datbayev3, M. Omirzak3, O. Seitov3

1. «Al-Farabi Kazakh National University» NJSC, Almaty, the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2. «L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University» NJSC, Almaty, the Republic of Kazakhstan;
3. «Kazakh Institute of Oncology and Radiology» JSC, Almaty, the Republic of Kazakhstan

DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.52532/2521-6414-2023-4-70-18-22

UDC: 616-006:615.849:53.083

Year: 2023 issure: 70 number: 4 pages: 18-22

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Relevance: The article discusses one of the ways to improve the DRG-05M dosimeter in brachytherapy by using new components and technologies in an improved scheme, which includes more accurate sensors, advanced signal processing techniques, efficient power cells, and other solutions. The application of such advanced components and technologies in the framework of DRG-05M dosimeter modernization is a new and original contribution to the field of dosimetry. The scientific novelty of the work is the improvement of the existing circuitry, namely, the improvement of the DRG-05M dosimeter’s electrical circuitry based on the analysis of its shortcomings. This includes replacing components, optimizing circuit structure, eliminating noise and interference, and improving the stability and accuracy of measurements.
The study aimed to improve the DRG-05M dosimeter to provide more accurate and reliable radiation measurements in brachytherapy.
Methods: The paper analyses the existing components and their use in the electrical circuit to improve the measurement accuracy of the DRG-05M dosimeter, offers a new electrical circuit based on the collected data and requirements, considering the optimal location of components, their characteristics, performed calculations, and modeled circuit operation. This scientific research was carried out within the framework of the PCF scientific program “Metrological support of dosimetric measurements in contact radiation therapy,” IRN BR12967832.
Results: We have selected the components for improving the DRG-05M dosimeter:photomultiplier tube (PMT), analog-digital converter (ADC), indication unit, and power supply. The proposed changes to improve the DRG-05M dosimeter shall result in a very compact scintillation-type dosimeter. Its size and weight shall be reduced by at least 3 times; the accuracy and speed of measurement will increase, and the lifetime of the instrument shall improve.
Conclusion: Improvement of the dosimeter in brachytherapy is an important task to ensure the accuracy and reliability of measurement in treating cancer. Using components such as PMT, calibration source, battery charger, and microcontroller KR572PV5 can significantly improve the operation of the DRG-05M dosimeter and increase the accuracy of radiation dose measurement in brachytherapy.
Keywords: dosimeter, analog-digital converter (ADC), brachytherapy, radiation, electrical scheme.

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