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A.S. Kultaev 1, I.A. Zakiryarov 2

1. «Kazakh Institute of Oncology and Radiology» JSC, Almaty, the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2. «Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University» NAO, Almaty, the Republic of Kazakhstan

DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.52532/2663-4864-2022-4-66-24-32

UDC: 616-006.66:618.19:073.43

Year: 2022 issure: 66 number: 4 pages: 24-32

Download PDF: 2012.2-3.24-25_10.pdf


Relevance: Worldwide, mammary gland formations remain a public health dilemma. Breast cancer (BC) is one of the leading causes of cancer mortality. Breast cancer ranked 3rd with 8.7-8.1% in the structure of malignant disease mortality in Kazakhstan in 2018-2019.
Female breast cancer is the most common cancer. Over 2.2 million cases of breast cancer were registered in 2020, according to the WHO. Worldwide, breast cancer ranks fifth among the causes of mortality (685,000 deaths per year).
On average, about 3,000 breast cancer cases are detected yearly in the Republic of Kazakhstan, and more than 1,380 women die from this disease. The high increment rate of breast cancer incidence and mortality, which is ahead of most other cancers, puts breast cancer at the top of the list.
Technological developments in medicine have positively influenced the diagnosis of mammary gland formations. The S-Detect function for the mammary gland formations had been introduced by Samsung Medison, which helps to determine the formation and characterize the affected area. The sonoelastography methods were used for reliable assessment in the early days.
The study aimed to: determine the role of the S-Detect function in the differential diagnosis of mammary gland formations.
Methods: A comparative analysis of images taken with the S-Detect function and by the sonoelastography process was carried out in 50 patients.
Results: S-Detect program showed correct diagnosis in 92% of cases (46 out of 50 people), confirmed by the results of morphological verification (histology, cytology). The sonoelastography method showed correct results in 80% of cases (40 out of 50 people).
Conclusion: The use of S-Detect technology in analyzing mammary gland formations showed good consistency with B-mode, color, and power Doppler mapping. S-Detect technology can effectively help novice radiologists in writing conclusions.
Keywords: S-Detect Breast, BI-RADS, breast ultrasound, breast formation, sonoelastography.
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