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Radiation diagnostics of peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumors (PNET) in children at the Scientific Center of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery (Almaty, Kazakhstan) — Oncology

Radiation diagnostics of peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumors (PNET) in children at the Scientific Center of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery (Almaty, Kazakhstan)

U.I. Ibragimov1, S.Sh. Sargelov1, M.A. Ensepbaev1, A.Sh. Taynekova1

1. JSC “Scientific Center of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery”, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan

DOI: 10.52532/2663-4864-2020-4-58-36-40

УДК: 616-006.83-073

Год: 2020 выпуск: 58 номер: 4 страницы: 36-40

Скачать PDF: 2012.2-3.24-25_10.pdf

Ключевые слова: Ewing’s sarcoma in children, peripheral neuroectodermal tumors (PNET), computed tomography (CT).

Ссылка: U.I. Ibragimov, S.Sh. Sargelov, M.A. Ensepbaev, A.Sh. Taynekova. Radiation diagnostics of peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumors (PNET) in children at the Scientific Center of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery (Almaty, Kazakhstan). Oncology and Radiology of Kazakhstan, 2020, 58 (4), 36-40.

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