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2021, 60, № 2 (английская версия) — Oncology

2021, 60, № 2 (английская версия)

2021 год, выпуск 60, номер 2
4 — 8 I.F. Shishlo, S.A. Krasny, Yu.N. Dolgina.
Predicting peritoneal contamination with enterobacteria producing extended-spectrum beta-lactamases and choosing empirical antibacterial therapy for postoperative peritonitis in cancer patients
9 — 21 G.A. Afonin, N.A. Baltayev, D.R. Kaidarova, А.К. Ababakriyev, P.B. Kalmenova.
Clinical and phenotypic variants of hereditary and sporadic colorectal cancer in young patients
22 — 24 Y.I. Ishkinin, R.Z. Ibrayev, R.B. Raimbekov, K.D. Datbayev, R.U. Akhunova, K.B. Raimzhanov, A.A. Goncharova, G.M. Kaldarbekova, Zh.G. Turlybek.
Radiation therapy services during the COVID-19 pandemic
27 — 31 D.A. Yussupova, A.D. Savkhatova, M.D. Zekebayev, A.K. Quatbek.
Comparative analysis of dose distribution to critical organs in radiation therapy
of left breast cancer with respiratory synchronization
32 — 35 B.G. Yeszhan, S.O. Ossikbayeva.
Study of danazol active agent effect on Mcf10a breast cells redox phosphorylation
36 — 38 B.А. Abdurakhmanov, Z.К. Avizova.
Lung cancer mortality due to delayed treatment: Literature review
39 — 42 M.M. Sagadiyeva, Zh.M. Zhumanbayeva.
Difficulties experienced by parents of children with cancer: A literature review
43 — 47 Coordination Council on Oncological Diseases
International Scientific and Practical Conference “Lung cancer. Advanced solutions”
KazIOR has received new ALV apparatus.
On the first of a series of webinars of the Regional Group of Clinical Research in Central Asia and Eastern Europe (CentEast)
on the topic, “Cancer of the ovaries. Discussion session”.
Kazakh Institute of Oncology and Radiology took 1st place in the ranking of scientific medical institutions and clinical research centers for 2020!
Chief Oncologist of Kazakhstan received the Russian “Vocation” Prize.
Extraordinary XII Congress of Oncologists and Radiologists of the CIS and Eurasia named after N.N. Trapeznikov.
Young Scientists’ Contest.
Children’s Day at KazIOR.
The first Nuclear Medicine Center in Kazakhstan for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer diseases was opened in Semey.
Meeting of the KazIOR management with the Institut Curie (France) representatives.
Best employees of the year were honored at KazIOR on the Day of the Medical Worker.
The I National Congress of Ultrasound Diagnostics.
48 – 49 Instructions for authors
50 – 59 Ethics of publishing in “Oncology and radiology of Kazakhstan” scientific journal

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